Make one-time or recurring transfers
You can use this option to transfer funds between your own accounts. You can specify a one-time transfer or schedule a recurring future dated transfer with an expiration date. You can also make loan payments from the transfer option.
Mobile App
To set up a transfer, click on the "Transfer" option in the main menu. Then choose an account to transfer to and from, and enter an amount. You can also select "More Options" to choose a date and frequency. Transfers can be made once, weekly, every two weeks, twice a month, or monthly.

You can view transfers you have already established if you enable the "Transfer" card on your dashboard.
To set up a transfer, click on the "Move money" menu option and select "Transfer." Then choose an account to transfer to and from, and enter an amount. You can also select "More Options" to choose a date and frequency. Transfers can be made once, weekly, every two weeks, twice a month, or monthly.

To view the transfers you have already established, view the "Activity" card on the dashboard, or within each account.
External transfers can also be made with other financial institutions.